Member Profiles
These are the current characters in the club. Enjoy their profiles, they worked hard at them ^_~.
Yami no Kuuinu - Sailor Charon/Lynn/Host/Webmistress/Historian
TrivialKeeper - Aragnon Knight/Co-host
AlexLaCroixEagle - Sailor Puma
SlrMeteor - Sailor Solar/Psyche Knight
Kirideth - Sailor Nova
MVSurferGirl - Sailor Ice Bird
PawPrints3 (ON HIATUS)- Sailor Thebe
Moongoon24 - Sailor Cryptonia
SnoKittyQ5/MST3KVirusLV6 - Sailor Aria
Tropikkal Breeze - Sailor Arael
Datatape - Sailor Pisces
Metallica Grrl86 - Sailor Spøkelse
Miscellaneous Characters