Miscellaneous Characters
These are the more minor recurring characters. Some are found only in chibichibiSIMs, others in actual SIMs. They don't have actual profiles, but deserve some mention...so here they are.
Played by TrivialKeeper
Colin is a gnome, with some minimal healing and protection powers,
basically there to torment Shio into or back down from a blood lust rage. He is incredibly annoying, and has known Shio since Shio could grasp a sword. Has a deep hatred for Souki, as does Shio...or DOES he?
Played by Moongoon24
Souki is supposed to be Meka's guardian, but she really doesn't have that many powers. Souki is a little fairy, about the size of a fist or so. When Meka escaped from Cryptonia, Souki went along with her to pretty much protect her and give her emotional support. During battles, Souki will usually encourage Meka to keep going if she's down. Souki is like a second mother to Meka sort of, usually nagging her to clean up her messes at Meka's apartment and to do her homework. Souki hates Shio, and always will. No real reason why, she just does. She also hates Colin.
Meka): Or does she? *grins*
Souki): MEKA!
Meka): *innocently* Yes?
Souki): *twitch*
Played by TrivialKeeper
Minoru is supposed to be Meka's husband, but something happened during their wedding and they were never actually wed. (Details can be found in Meka's profile.) He was reincarnated on Earth and luckily Meka found him. They (obviously) haven't gotten married, but they are very happy as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Minoru): Yes, yes we are. *puts arm around Meka's waist* She's all mine.
Meka): Hai! ^^
Minoru): *throws a death glare at a passing guy that looks at Meka*
Guy): *eeps, scurries off*
Minoru): *grin*
Meka): ^^;;;
Yasei Dobutsu
Played by TrivialKeeper
Shio's good friend, and often a troublemaker. He shows up
sometimes to create mayhem or make it worse than it already is. He is
also the head of the Literature Club - much to the members' dissapointment.
Played by MSilvabane
The Supreme High Lord of Darkness, who resides part-time in the
alternate dimension beneath the surface of the carpet at Rising Star
Terrace. Satan became Taris's arch-nemesis, after kept the five vacuum cleaners she lost in the carpet, broke two, and never bothered to return any of them. The gang has had several battles with him (yes, over the vacuum cleaners), and have almost been killed several times in the process. Finally, Taris got her vacuum cleaners back, and being the magnanimous person she is, decided to forgive him for taking them. The two of them are slowly becoming friends. (Am I the only one who's disturbed by this....?)
Ecchi Coffeeshop Manager
(aka Ecchi Santa, Ecchi Easter Bunny)
Played by Yami no Kuuinu, usually.
The Ecchi Coffeeshop Manager, like Dilbert's Pointy-Haired Boss, has no real name. He lurks in the mall, trying to lure unsuspecting females into the back of his coffeeshop. He's so desperate he'll try and lure any female back there as long as she has a pulse and is breathing, but his main targets are Saira, Val, and Leah. As he is often seen with the Demon Children, Val & Leah can't help but wonder if somehow they're working together.
Demon Children
Played by whoever feels like it. -_-;;
Not directly connected to Satan; they were infected by 3 original
half-demon children whom the gang had the misfourtune of babysitting. Their most recognizable traits are cannibalistic tendencies and fangs. The original demon children were destroyed by Kiori, but they managed to influence a horde of others before their demise. These are usually found at the mall, especially when Leah, Val, and Saira are around...(in other words, whenever Mina and Wynd get bored and have a ChibichibiSIM)
Played by GoldnSpider
Blond-haired, blue-eyed guy. Major cutie, he has a slight crush on Saira. He also is the leader and drummer for the band Uncharted Dreams, of which Saira is a member.
Played by Yami no Kuuinu
The bassist in Uncharted Dreams. He's not entirely fond of Saira, and tends to be a jerk most of the time.
Played by Yami no Kuuinu
Lead guitar in Uncharted Dreams. He's the quiet type; not much is known about him as he doesn't speak up often. A little frightened of Saira, perhaps.
Played by MSilvabane
A fire-elemental kitsune, "Steve" doesn't appear too often. His only
appearance in an actual SIM was in SuperS; since then, he has appeared in a few chibichibi-SIMs and indulged in his love of pranks, in such ways as stretching Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's panties clear over their heads. A rather mysterious character, however; no one knows his real name, so everyone just calls him "Steve.".
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