Aragnon Knight
Element: Air
Real Name: Shio Yoshida
Age: 16
DOB: 7/26/85
Zodiac: Cancer
Fav. Day of Week: Thursday
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'11"
Fav. Animal: Wolf
Fav. Color: Red
Fav. Gem: Ruby
Fav. Food: American Fast Food
Least Fav. Food: Bitter Squash
Fav. Subject: English
Least Fav. Subject: Science
Excells at: Keeping his head on straight during emergencies, confusing the enemy
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, caring more about what's on one's head that what's in it.
Has Trouble With: Being ordered around in a bossy manner
(although it's not likely that he will stand up for himself),
speaking in front of people, and hurting people extensively.
Dream: To be the head of a company, preferably a publishing company.
Color Aura: Blood red
Background: He lived on Aragnon, and often went to Cryptonia to practice sword dueling with Minoru, Meka's fiance. There he met Meka, and they became good friends. When reincarnated on Earth, Shio was born and raised in Japan. There has was an A student, except for science (he had issues with dissecting). There, his father raped him in a slightly drunken stupor, and he and his mother moved from Japan to escape him. From there he went to Florida for a year where he learned English, then proceeded to LA.
Personality: Shio is usually shy, and sometimes it's painfully hard to get a direct opinion from him. At least, when it comes to his emotional opinion. This is most likely due to his emotional trauma from when he was raped.
"Aragnon Soldier Power!" This Henshin shows Shio reaching for
his back as if reaching for a broadsword. Then, he is surrounded with
a deep red light. After that, he goes naked. First, a deep red satin
shirt appears, and then black long pants appear. He has on dress shoes, and as the ending move, he spins, and puts his hand out, where a quarter staff appears. He swings it, and then spins it, before thrusting it onto the ground.
"Mistral Surround Unite!" This Henshin flashes
a few scenes of Shio thrusting with his sword. Then, there is a flash
of bright red light, and Shio is naked. He then flashes into a white
dress shirt, embroidered on both ends of the color with the aragnon symbol with a deep red tuxedo over it. He now has a cape as well,
black, lined with blood red. He removes his sword from the sheath, and slices it down in front of him. He then sweeps it in a gentle sideways arch in front of him, and half-smiles..
"Furious Gale!" This attack is a normal attack, not incredibly poweful. The attack looks like a large blood red bird that swoops toward the target, and slams into the enemy.
"Aragnon Whisk!" It's a sort of teleportation attack. It has a limit
of 3 miles, and can only be places where Shio has been.
"Gale Raze!" This attack is a large red blast that sweeps towards the enemy, and circles it before crushing in on all sides with incredible force. Most powerful attack.
Any special skills?: Shio tends to have inhuman patience, and is very