Form Preview
Form Preview

This is an exact replica of the actual form. Just a little preview so you know what you're in for. (Note: the link to the ACTUAL form is at the bottom of the page. But read this first anyway.)

PS: Did you read the ENTIRE webpage? Because for some reason I keep getting "Sailor Jupiter", "Sailor Mini Mars", and "Sailor Cosmicmoon" applications. If you think you're going to try something like that, DON'T EVEN BOTHER. You won't stand a chance.

Soldier This is where you write the name "Sailor Megastar" or something. Only don't use that name, because Gen came up with it, and it's REALLY damned moderish. Which is a bad thing.
Element This is where you say your element or whatever theme is dominant in your attacks. This can range from Silence to Butterflies to Hatred to Purity... and those are the non-fic soldiers O.o But please avoid over-used elements such as Ice, Darkness, Psychic, and Fire. Come up with something unique! ^_^
Real Name Your character's real name. It would be cool if you checked some name resources for European names (if your character is european-american) that have something to do with your element. But hey, dont knock yourself out. Oh, and check to see if it's taken. We had 3 Sarah's in the club once!
Age They need to be somewhere from 14 - 18 so that they can attend Hentai High like the rest of the cast. If you feel it's important that your character doesn't follow this criteria (for example, she's 20) discuss it with Lady Silvabane. Also, note that this is your CHARACTER'S age, not your personal age.
DOB Your character's Date Of Birth. Month, day, year. Make sure it corresponds with age and their...
Zodiac Even though I don't totally care about whether you researched your name, I do want this researched. If you think the character most resembles you, then go ahead and put yours down. Just make sure it corresponds with their birth date.
Blood Type You COULD research this if you wanted to (S6 has some good information), since some people beleive that personality is based on blood type. But keep watch for the very rare blood types. Check if someone in the club has it. If they do, your character probably doesn't.
Height Fairly straightforward, ne? Just don't make your character really short (like Sailormoon, who is...what is it...4'11"? This is America, not Japan) unless you think it's important, and PLEASE don't make them some ridiculous height like 7'11" (had an applicant do that once...O_o)
Fav. Day of Week This isn't ultra-important. It's just one of those profile-ish sorts of things that tells you a little more about their personality,
Fav. Animal See Fav. Day of Week
Fav. Color Like Blood Type, some people think this depends on your personality. Research if you want.
Fav. Gem Put their birthstone or something here. It's not a big deal. Just make sure it's an actual gem, and not something fake like a rhinestone, or something misspelled like a "safire".
Fav. Food Okay, for this I want you to go all out! Try preparing lots of different foods, then lay them out in a buffet, now, get into character, and make a plate. I want you to write whichever was your favorite in this slot. Dispose of remaining food in a nearby dumpster. Only do this if you're a nutball.
Least Fav. Food See above, only pick the one that went into the dumpster first.
Fav. Subject Your character's favorite school subject. Let's make cookies for the boys in Home Ec!
Least Fav. Subject Your character's least favorite subject in school. PLEASE, if at all possible, do not put "math". Come up with something a little less common if you can. We all know that most everyone hates math...
Excells at What does your character excell at? "Small children" and "cute little animals" are NOT acceptable answers here. It's what they're good at, not what they like. Just keep that in mind....
Dislikes What does your character not like? Quite basic, really. Kids? Dogs? Humanity in general? It's all up to you.
Has Trouble With What kind of things does your character have trouble with? "Nothing" is not a proper answer here.
Dream Your character's dream for the future. For instance, if you could apply for Sailor Venus you would put "Singer" or for Sailor Jupiter "Own a restaurant". But PLEASE don't put "singer"...
Color Aura Uh, you know. Whenever there's a scene when the senshi are all going "Oooo... we gotta combine our powers!" they start to 'glow' a certain color.
Background Where is your character from? The SIM takes place in Los Angeles, so you might want them to be from there. Oh, and you may think that it might fit your character better to say that they've moved from [insert state you live in] TO L.A. to explain how they act (i.e.: the way YOU do in real life), but it isn't really that neccessary. After all, people are a big tapestry, you're parents could be from arkansas and thats why you have a southern accent or like country music. Also, tell about your family life. But a word of warning: don't give them too tragic or angsty of a history. That just gets annoying after a while. Not many people have had their parents die in a car crash, yet it seems that at least half of our applicants have had something bad like that happen to them.
***NOTE: This SIM is not in any way connected to the Silver Millennium or its senshi (Moon, Jupiter, etc.) So, even if your character's standard background contains references to the Silver Millennium, they are not to be present in the backgrounds of characters in the SIM. Ignoring this and mentioning the Silver Millennium anyway will just make you look like a non-direction-reading FOOL, so follow instrustions or we'll presume you're an idiot.***
Personality What is your character like? Bubbly or snobbish? Kind or really mean? Quiet or obnoxiously loud? Dumb or Dumber? These are all suggestions. Go into big detail here!
Powers (three attacks) Use any formula for the names you like. But be sure to include a description of the attack as well as the name. Also, the attacks cannot be ripped from those of preexisting Sailor Senshi -- no "Cosmicmoon Tiara Action" or things like that. And no instant-kills/moderish attacks -- nothing overly powerful. Just standard senshi attacks, that's all.
Henshins You should provide the description for a basic one, a "(insert name here) Power!" type thing. Yes, description. Check basically any of the senshitachi's profiles and you'll see what I mean. Also, you must provide a second-level henshin. This must have something to do with your senshi's element, and NOT include your senshi's name or the word "power". For example, Charon is a Darkness elemental, and her second-level henshin is 'Erebos Darkness Flux'. You must provide a description for this henshin as well. Be detailed and PLEASE don't reference the henshins of other senshi such as Moon, since that comes across as plagiarism; just describe it.
Any special skills? Any special skills your character has beyond her soldier abilities (or as a product of them). Can she cook? Does she know karate? Do her ears hang low, can she tie them in a knot, can she tie them in a bow? Oh, and like always, you might want to make sure someone else in the club doesn't have the ability. Having fifty psychics on the team gets kinda boring...
How did you find us? Uh, search engine? The SMRPGMC? RPG Busters?
Why do you want to join? I don't know. Why would you want to join? Weirdo... ^_~
Email Ehh, you know this works. (your name)@(your isp).(com, net, whatever). *ahem* AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE AOL OR AIM, YOU CAN'T JOIN! If you just have AIM, include your screen name(s) as well as your email address, or we'll think you're an idiot who didn't read this and we'll have all the more reason to riff your application.
Anything else? Misc. info you think we might need to know.
What versions of Sailormoon
have you seen/read?
(dub anime, sub anime,
Manga, etc.)
I ask this so I know how much you KNOW about Sailormoon. The internet is NOT enough, trust me. Seeing Sailormoon S, SuperS, and Stars fansubs & the Mixx Manga for the first time expanded my mind and ruled out all myths and falsities I saw on the 'net.
What other RPG's have you been in?
(They don't have to be Sailormoon)
Include URLs!

Now fill out that form!
But one final word of caution: Use proper grammar/spelling! You can have a great character, but discard basic rules of grammar and you'll get rejected anyway. Typing like an idiot makes us assume that you are one.
And...if you just skimmed through the form preview to get to the link down here...shame on you! Go back and read it! It's for your own good. >:P
**SotNM Application Form**
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