Queen Metallia

NOTE: This is SotNM's version of an extended origin for Queen Metallia.
Queen Queen Metallia was ruler of a planet closer to the sun than Mercury called Vulcan in the Golden Millenium. Prophets predicted the end of Vulcan would come soon, so the rulers of the Sun, Queen Echo and King Narcissus invited her to evacuate her people to their land. Little did they realize, however that Queen Metallia would be the one who was going to destroy Vulcan! She also made it so her elite military, the Shi, would sabotage the evacuation ships to crash into the Sun's capital. Making her ruler of the Golden Millenium. She then made plans to turn everyone into senshi and then brainwash them, and begin an attack on the Silver Millenium and Earth, and then, with the power of the Ginzushou, the universe! She was however, found out by Sailor Solar and the first manipulated senshi, the LA Sailor Team. They attempted to battle her, but they lost. At the last minute, though, the Shi sealed them all away to be reborn on earth. The rest is unknown...

It is known, however, that Metallia somehow turned into a sunspot, and influenced Queen Beryl to start a revolt against the Silver Millenium.

She then was reborn as the Senshi in Tokyo, and the rest of the Dark Kingdom were. Queen Beryl punished the Four Generals with death (or torture) and in final battle, actually allowed Metallia to possess her! But Sailormoon, with the help of the Ginzushou, killed her and Metallia was dissapated into energy...

But Metallia wasnt finished yet, she only needed to be gathered again! Kayflite managed to do this, and was killed by her instead! For she had wanted to be the vessel for Metallia in this time, but Metallia had better things in mind, her daughter, Roxy! Roxy summoned a great power deep within her to help combat Metallia, and that was the last we've heard. There's no telling where she is now, or when she'll come back...

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